Ladies, Gentlemen, Clubs, Organizations and Individuals,
I would like to invite you to participate in our fun filled “Summertime Fun” Parade. You may enter a float, truck, car, ATV/Golf Cart (age at least 17yrs to drive in parade), anything you feel would be fun and the people along the parade route would like to see. Also there is prize money in two different catagories. There is a float judging and an ATV – Golf Cart judging. Prize money is 1st – $125.00, 2nd – $100.00, 3rd – $75.00 and 4th – $50.00 for the float catagory. ATV – Golf Cart prize money is 1st – $30.00, 2nd – $20.00 & 3rd-$10.00.
It’s always fun for the crowd to wave at the entries and for the parade participants to wave back, throw candy and just make people smile!! A fun evening to forget troubles and just have a great time!!!
This years theme is “Summertime Fun.” It is a wide open catagory. Whatever you feel “Summertime Fun” is. Whether it is vacation, boating, fishing, camping, swimming, golfing, the races, barbeque in the backyard or baseball the ideas are open to your imagination!!! It will be fun to see what everyone thinks of as “Summertime Fun.”
Let’s make this year’s Osage County Fair Parade one of the best we’ve seen. I know it’s possible with the participation of all of the fabulous businesses, organizations, clubs, schools and individual people we have in this area!!!
Attached is an entry form for you to fill out and send to me. If you prefer e-mail, call, or text me, with your information and I will fill a form out for you. The “Summertime Fun” parade is on June 29th, parade begins at 6:30. Line up for judging of floats, ATVS & Golf Carts is 5:30. All other entries be ready and in your designatd line up spot in the parade by 6:15 at the latest!!
Thank you so much for taking time to read this letter and I’m thanking you in advance for your participation in our “Summertime Fun” parade.
Diane Michael
510 Holliday Street, Osage City, KS 66523
Click this form for a printable pdf version: