The Osage City Chamber of Commerce served concessions at the baseball concession stand July 5-7. A variety of food items other than the items furnished by the Osage City Parks and Recreation were served. Food items that Chamber members donated were frozen grapes, baby carrots with ranch dressing, sloppy Joes, walking tacos, chili, cookies, brownies, root beer floats, ice tea and ice. A new suggestion and was a big hit this year which was grilling hamburgers and hot dogs. The aroma of the hamburgers grilling got the attention of the hungry parents and ball players, thus kept the grill going most of the evening!
The Chamber would like to thank members Jan Ogleby, Jeanette Swarts, Diane Michael, Kathy Ayers, Julie Carlson, Vida Lewis, Jim Lohmeyer, Casey Mussatto, Tara Azwell, Nancy Washburn, Jeanette Stromgren, Vintage Park, Ann Lusk, COF, Thelma and Joe Humerickhouse, and Robyn Williams for their contribution of either food items or working at the concession stand. Would also like to thank Richard Swarts for keeping the grill going. The success from the events are measured by the support and enthusiasm from everyone and we did have a successful three days and the proceeds go back to the Chamber.