The annual Osage County Fair parade, sponsored by the Osage City Chamber of Commerce, was Thursday, June 29, 2017. The theme for the parade this year was “Summertime Fun”.
Diane Michael, parade chairman, coordinated a variety of entries including the mounted color guard and 1st Division Infantry Band from Ft. Riley, Boy Scouts, emergency vehicles, including the city and county law enforcement, ambulance and fire department, parade marshal Ann Lusk, and Mr. and Mrs. Osage City Richard and Jeanette Swarts, floats, golf carts and ATVs, band, politicians, and horses.
The float entry awards were presented as follows: Conklin Plumbing, first place, $125; Friends of Pomona State Park, Going Retro, second place, $100; RCIL, third place, $75; Osage City Middle School cheerleaders, fourth place, $50. The golf cart and ATV entry awards went to: Osage City-Great Life Golf Course, first place, $30; Jody Lohmeyer Stark, State Farm Insurance, second place, $20; First National Bank of Osage City, third place, $10. The high school band competition first place prize of $100 was presented to the Osage City High School band.

As Diane Michael stated, we are hoping that next year there will be more involvement of floats, school bands, etc., thus there will be have a larger parade for 2018. Your support contributes to the growth of our community.

The Osage City Chamber of Commerce and Diane Michael, Parade Committee Chairman would like to take this opportunity to thank those that participated in the 2017 Osage County Fair Parade. Everyone that attended the parade seemed to have a good time and enjoyed the entries.