The Osage City Chamber of Commerce is proud to offer you the opportunity to honor a veteran or someone currently active in the military while at the same time celebrating Veterans Day or Memorial Day.
The cost is $150 for a large banner (26” x 50”) with your chosen military member on it. The banners will be located on the light poles along 6th Street on both sides of the street from the American Legion to the Post Office. The banners will hang for one month in conjunction with Veteran’s Day or Memorial Day for three consecutive years. After the three year term is completed, we will contact you to see if you would like a new banner to be hung for an additional three years or if you would like the banner returned to you.
Banner Project information and application forms are available at Jodi Lohmeyer-Stark State Farm office, 618 Market St., Osage City, or on the Chamber’s website at At this time, we only have 16 brackets on eight poles so this is on a first come, first serve basis determined by postmark August 26, 2019, on envelope or personally delivered to 126 Ellinwood St., Osage City.
Any questions, please contact Jeanette Swarts at 785-249-5451.