Osage City Fall Citywide Garage Sale time is just around the corner. Sign up now to get on the map. This is a great opportunity to get rid of some of that “stuff” you never use and free up some space. The Citywide Garage Sale is set for September 20-21.
To sign up, stop by Peterson’s Assisted Living (Tricia Gundy), Edward Jones Investments (Robyn Williams) or the First National Bank (Kathy Ayers). Tricia revised the area map for the spring sale and made it more user friendly, it provided a chart for the type of items at the garage sales. Tricia plans to continue doing this for the fall sale, so she will need your name – as you want it listed on the map, address, a phone number in case of questions about the sale, if you are having the sale Friday and Saturday or Saturday only, what area you are on the map, type of items that you will be selling, for example: children clothing; adult clothing; furniture; collectibles; kitchen items; household items; craft items; miscellaneous and a $5 donation fee.
The proceeds go towards a scholarship awarded every year to two Osage City High School graduates that are going to college. The 2019 scholarships were awarded to Aliks Serna and Royce Cowan. The deadline for adding a sale to the garage sale map is Sept. 17, at 5:00 p.m.
For more information, call Tricia Gundy, chairperson, Osage City Chamber Garage Sale Committee, at 785-528-3301.