Chamber News

Osage County Fair and Parade, July 7-10, 2021

July 7-10, 2021 will mark the dates for the Osage County Fair, in Osage City. The theme for the fair and the parade will be “Honoring Hometown Heroes”. The parade will be Friday, July 9 at 6:30 p.m. The entertainment committee of the Fair held their first meeting and are in the beginning stages of some fun and exciting activities throughout the Fair Week. Plans are to have the annual Talent Show, organized by Bob & Ronda Harmon. Information regarding sign up will be available soon. Plans are to bring back the Demo Derby which will be held Friday evening after the traditional Parade. A new feature to the fair this year is going to be a “Bed Race”. The date and time have not been determined yet; however, you might start thinking about building a bed to enter in the contest. Hopefully it will be a “rolling success!!”  Rules and regulations will be announced soon. Stayed tuned as there are several events that are in the planning stages to be announced soon.

Adam Burnett, parade chairman is in the process of creating some new & innovative concepts for the parade for this year.  Adam will provide information regarding the parade and a parade form will be available soon to submit an entry for the parade. The Chamber of Commerce will be offering $350 in cash prizes for 4 places of float entries & $60 in cash prizes for 3 places of Golf Cart/ATV entries.  Please contact Adam at 785-760-0621 if you have any questions or comments regarding the event.