Osage City Chamber of Commerce Member Meeting Minutes
Feb. 16, 2016 – Flint Hills Beverage Hospitality Room
The Feb. 16, 2016, regular meeting of the Osage City Chamber of Commerce was called to order at 12:09 p.m. at the Flint Hills Beverage hospitality room by Chamber President Jim Lohmeyer. In attendance were Jim Lohmeyer, Ann Lusk, Josie Bosse, Hannah Crowl, Tara Azwell, Dave Azwell, Dee Robert, Don Shaw, Thelma Humerickhouse, Joe Humerickhouse, Corey Linton, Casey Mussatto, Nancy Durbin, Jodi Smith, Jodi Stark, Nancy Washburn, Jennifer Hudson, Lana Richards, Jeanette Swarts, and Wayne White. Lunch was purchased at Casey’s General Store. Members and guests introduced themselves.
Minutes of the Jan. 19, 2016, meeting were approved on a motion by Tara Azwell, seconded by Jodi Stark.
A treasurer’s report was not reviewed due to absence of treasurer Mike Telthorst.
Jim noted a number of businesses had signed up to host after hours mixers throughout 2016, including Lusk Properties, April or May; H & H Appraisal, August, pool party and cook out; Flint Hills Beverage, October, sampling; COF Training Services, anytime; Jodi Stark, State Farm Insurance, later in year; Edward Jones Investments, anytime; Ecumenical Christian Action Team, later in year.
Jim reported the Chamber received a thank you note from Janet Steinle, of ECAT, for the donation given from proceeds of Christmas on Market.
It was noted that Jim was selected to be the 2016 president by the Chamber board at the Feb. 9, 2016, board meeting.
Jeanette reported that about 40 memberships have been paid for 2016, and she has sent reminders to some others who have not paid yet, and is working on new memberships.
Jim asked for a motion to approve a change in the Chamber’s bylaws, which would change the term of officers from two years to one year. The membership voted to amend the bylaws at the Jan. 19, 2016, regular meeting, with a final vote to be taken at this meeting. On a motion from Jodi Smith, seconded by Dave Azwell, the membership approved the bylaws change as follows: Article V: Officers/Section 1: Determination of Officers – The Board of Directors (new and retiring) at its regular January meeting shall reorganize for the coming year. All officers shall take office on the first day of the new fiscal year and serve for a term of one (1) year or until their successors assume the duties of office. They shall be a voting member of the board of directors.
It was noted that directors’ terms will remain at two years.
Members heard from Josie Bosse, representing the Osage County Fair Association, who reported the Osage County Fair will be held June 29-July 2, 2016. She said this year’s fair board is hoping to make the fair more than a 4-H fair by adding other events to the exhibits, carnival and other fair activities. The fair board will be encouraging participation by local groups and organizations. It was noted the Chamber board had agreed to donate $1,000 toward the fireworks show for this year’s fair.
Casey Mussatto reported that he had received an inquiry from Sen. Anthony Hensley’s office about community support for the planned state Highway 31 reconstruction project. He said there had been some vocal opponents of the project, which is currently scheduled to begin next year. He told of the history of Osage City’s attempts to get improvements to the seven-mile stretch of highway that connects Osage City to U.S. Highway 75, north of Lyndon. Discussion was held on the pros and cons of the project, including the need for a safer route to Osage City, the current highway’s effect on the city’s economic development, and negative impacts on landowners with property adjacent to the highway. Wayne White offered a motion that the Chamber send a letter expressing support for the project, seconded by Dave Azwell, and approved by the members present. Casey Mussatto and Joe Humerickhouse will work with Jeanette Swarts to draft the letter and send it to Sen. Hensley, state representatives Peggy Mast, Blaine Finch and Ken Corbet, Gov. Sam Brownback, and the secretary of Kansas Department of Transportation.
Corey Linton reported 97 barbecue teams had signed up so far to compete in Smoke in the Spring, with a goal of 102 teams. Smoke in the Spring weekend will be April 8-9, 2016, with Friday night being the Taste of Osage City community barbecue celebration. Corey said Stafford Street will be closed to parking during this year’s event to alleviate congestion around Jones Park, and a shuttle will be provided to allow people to park elsewhere and catch a ride to the event.
It was reported that Robyn Williams has arranged for scholarship applications to be distributed at Osage City High School, and committee members are needed for deciding scholarship recipients. Nancy Washburn and Thelma Humerickhouse volunteered to serve on the scholarship committee with Robyn.
Jodi Smith announced that Vintage Park of Osage City will host an Easter egg hunt and festivities beginning at noon on the afternoon of March 19. Jennifer Hudson announced Osage Nursing Center will also host an Easter egg hunt earlier the same day, beginning at 10 a.m.
Dave Azwell reminded members the Kansas Sampler Festival will be May 7-8, 2016, at Winfield. He encouraged local event organizers to provide flyers to be given away at the festival. Dave also announced the Osage City Area Arts Council is sponsoring a performance by the U.S. Air Force Academy Band Rampart Winds at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 25, in the Grace Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall, Osage City.
Wayne White announced that Osage County News celebrated its third anniversary this month and is now reaching thousands of readers each week, and thanked readers and sponsors for their support of the local business.
On a motion and second from Jodi Smith and Jodi Stark, the meeting adjourned at 12:55 p.m.
Submitted by Wayne White, Chamber secretary.