February 26, 2016
Osage City Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 56
Osage City, KS 66523
Governor Sam Brownback
Capitol Building
Room 241-South
300 SW 10th Street
Topeka, Kansas 66612
Re: Chamber of Commerce Support for K-31 Highway Project
Dear Governor Brownback:
On behalf of the businesses of Osage City, the Chamber of Commerce wishes to convey their support for the KDOT K-31 Highway Improvement Project which is to begin construction in 2017.
The Osage City Chamber of Commerce’s mission is to bring business and professional men and women together to collectively promote the interests and growth of the Osage City business community. It is vital to the community to have safe & adequate access to the community to accomplish the Chamber’s mission. The safety issues of the current highway with the hills with no visibility, no shoulders to pull over for emergencies, and heavily traveled with semis, super loads and farm machinery is of utmost concern to everyone that travels the highway.
Osage City offers a business district, industry, quality school district, airport, recreational opportunities, including a municipal golf course, aquatic center, baseball/softball complex and many ongoing community events. Osage City is located in northeast Kansas, with convenient access to Topeka, Emporia, Ottawa and Kansas City. The future for Osage City is dependent on having a quality highway that will be safe & adequate for the everyday traffic.
Your time and consideration in continuing with the K-31 project is appreciated. The businesses of Osage City thank you.
Jeanette Swarts
Executive Director
Osage City Chamber of Commerce