Osage City Chamber of Commerce Member Meeting
March 15, 2016 – Flint Hills Beverage Hospitality Room
The March 15, 2016, meeting of the Osage City Chamber of Commerce was called to order by vice president Jan Ogleby at the Flint Hills Beverage Hospitality Room, with the following in attendance: Dee Robert, Tara Azwell, Dave Azwell, Kenna Burns, Thelma Humerickhouse, Joe Humerickhouse, Jeremy Gaston, Jan Ogleby, Jodi Smith, Jennifer Hudson, Jeanette Swarts, Wayne White, and guest Alex Mosakowski.
Minutes of the Feb. 16, 2016, member meeting were approved on a motion from Dave Azwell, seconded by Jodi Smith.
Alex Mosakowski, Sojadi District executive of the Jayhawk Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America, told about the area council and the Sojadi District, which serves the counties of Osage, Lyon, Greenwood, Wabaunsee and Coffey. Alex said the district is based in Emporia and he works out of Topeka. He is reaching out to communities served by the Sojadi District to inform of the positive effects of Boy Scouts, and is seeking support for camperships or camp scholarships. He noted that Osage City’s longtime scoutmaster, Don Bailey, has been involved for more than a decade and has a great program in the area. Alex said the Lyndon pack received a governor’s award last year. Local scouts continue to be involved in community activities. Statistics for the Sojadi District for 2015 included 579 youth members served through 15 Cub Scout packs, 13 Boy Scout troops, and two Venturing crews; 2,604 community service hours; 1,100 volunteers engaged; 357 merit badges earned; 142 scouts sent to camp; and 11 new Eagle Scouts. Jeanette provided Alex with a list of Chamber members.
The treasurer’s report presented at the March board meeting was discussed. Dave asked Jeanette to check with Chamber treasurer Mike Telhorst to confirm the Chamber’s registration for the Kansas Sampler Festival.
In an update on the membership drive, it was noted that 64 members had paid dues for 2016.
Jeanette passed around the letter sent by the Chamber in support of the state Highway 31 project to the governor, area state representatives Peggy Mast, Ken Corbet and Blaine Finch, and the state secretary of transportation. Responses from the governor, Mast and Finch were also reviewed. (The letter is also available here on the Chamber’s website.)
Jeanette reported that the Osage County Fair Association is asking for more community involvement in the fair this year, which runs June 29-July 2, 2016. Dave suggested the Chamber could host a business expo in the community building. Businesses could have tables or booths to promote their services or products. Other suggested activities that could be sponsored by the Chamber included barnyard olympics, lip sync or talent show, or a street dance. Possible location of a street dance, available volunteers, and cost of musical talent were discussed. Jeanette is to look for musicians or a band that might want to play for minimal cost at such an event. Wayne noted Chamber volunteers also organize the annual fair parade, and the Chamber has donated $1,000 for fireworks for this year’s fair.
Jeanette announced the Chamber will be the recipient of a $500 grant from the Osage County Community Foundation, with the funds to be used for expenses of sending Chamber representatives to the Kansas Sampler Festival. The foundation is to have its spring awards presentation on March 24.
Jodi Smith announced that Osage City’s citywide garage sales will be April 16, 2016. She has sent press releases and is seeking sponsors and sale listings for the map. Contact Jodi at Vintage Park at Osage City for more information.
Jodi also reported that Vintage Park is getting ready for the Easter egg hunt March 19. At least 1,200 eggs were loaded with goodies, and bicycles will be given out to several age groups. She said she has received great community support for the egg hunt and activities.
Dave announced Taste of Osage City and Smoke in the Spring will be April 8-9, 2016, with this year having the most number of competitors in the history of the contest at 102. Twenty-four teams will cook at the Taste of Osage City the evening of April 8, and new BBQ Bucks have been designed. The Twin Lakes Cruisers will host the 12th Annual Cruis’n & Cook’n Car Show 8 a.m.-4 p.m. April 9 in downtown Osage City. Also planned is the Wings in the Spring aircraft fly-in at the airport.
Dave reported that 299 exhibitors had signed up for the Kansas Sampler Festival, May 7-8, 2016, at Winfield. He encouraged Chamber members to provide promotional items to be given away from the Osage City booth at the festival, such as key chains, pens, notepads, or brochures about Osage City and Osage County.
Kenna announced the Harvester’s food distribution would be Thursday.
Dave announced the Osage City Arts Council would be presenting the Emporia Community Choir at 7 p.m. April 7, 2016, at the Presbyterian Church.
Members were invited to attend a ribbon cutting after the meeting in celebration of Ag Choice’s new facility.
Meeting adjourned on a motion from Joe, seconded by Tara.
Lunch was purchased at Jerry’s Thriftway. Next members meeting is April 19, 2016.
Submitted by Wayne White, Chamber secretary.