Chamber News

Osage City Chamber Awards Banquet

You are invited to attend the first annual Osage City Chamber Awards Banquet Friday, March 31st.  Enjoy an evening of food, entertainment, a guest speaker, and special award recognitions.

The Chamber will be recognizing three special award categories:  Business of the Year, Nonprofit of the Year, and Employee of the YearAll Chamber member businesses are encouraged to apply directly for the awards. In addition, associations, financial institutions, customers, and other companies may nominate a business or employee that meet the award’s requirements. Applications are judged by an independent panel.  Application deadline is March 15, 2023.  See applications for complete details.

Buffet Style Dinner

Guest Speaker:  Jeff Bender of KDWP 

Presentations by Local Students 

Musical Entertainment

Award Presentations


Purchase tickets by contacting Jeanette via email at

Single tickets are $20 or a table of 8 for $140.  

RSVP Ticket Purchases by March 10, 2023

See the flyer (left) for more information or contact Jeanette


Click here to open the Business of the Year Application

Click here to open the Nonprofit of the Year Application

Click here to open the Employee of the Year Application