Chamber News

ECKAN updates Chamber members on local childhood services

Holly Weece gave an informative presentation on ECKAN Head Start at the February Chamber members meeting.

ECKAN Head Start programs help prepare your child for lifelong success, right from the start. ECKAN offers free Head Start programs for low-income families with young children, from birth to age five. Their research-backed programs promote self-sufficiency, healthy growth and development and success for future experiences.

Head Start services include health screenings, parent education/involvement, nutrition, help with child’s disability, transitions, education. The Osage County Home Based (Early Head Start) is located at 528 Market Street, Osage City; Ph. 620.803.2040 or 620.803.2041; open Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Refer to website, Head Start link for detailed information.